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Crested Geckos

Crested geckos are originally from New Caledonia (a group of islands between Fiji and Australia). Crested geckos are ideal reptile pets for beginners, with simple, easy- to-meet requirements. Because crested geckos are primarily tree dwellers, they make outstanding displays in naturalistic vivariums.

Both male and female crested geckos reach a moderate size of 4 to 4.5 inches snout-to-vent length (SVL), and 8 inches in total length. Crested geckos are sexually mature when 15 to 18 months of age, and at a weight of approximately 35 grams. Crested geckos can live 15-20 years in captivity.

Baby crested geckos are best housed in 10 gallon size terraruims that are vertical, such as Zillas 12x12x20 arborial Terrarium. Adults can be kept in a wide variety of sized however they should not be smaller than 18x18x24. A terrarium of 36" in hight is preferred, such as Exo-Terras Small X-Tall which is 18x18x36.

You can keep one male and several female crested geckos together. Male crested geckos may fight, particularly when in the company of females, and should not be kept together. However, you need to allow for more space per gecko in the terrarium. For instance a 18x18x24 would not be suitable for 2 crested geckos.

Crested geckos like temperatures of 78 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.It can drop to the low 70s at night. During the winter crested geckos will tolerate night drops into the 60s. 

The easiest way to provide heat is a low-wattage incandescent bulb or a ceramic heat emitter in a reflector type fixture placed on the screen top over one side of the tank so that the temperature of basking areas (branches) reaches the desired range. You must always keep one side of the tank unheated so that crested geckos can choose a cooler area to regulate their body temperature.

If you have live plants in your vivarium additional light can be provided by a fluorescent bulb running the length of the tank. Crested geckos tend to rest in foliage or shelters during the day and are active at night. They do not require UVB light if fed a diet that contains Vitamin D3. Turn off lights at night. 

Crested Geckos due prefer higher humidity in the range of 50-70%. This can be obatined by misting the terrarium 2-3 times daily or purchasing a automactic misting system.

Crested geckos spend most of their time above ground so a variety of substrates can be used. For simple maintenance purposes, reptile carpet is attractive and easily cleaned. For a more naturalistic look, a peat-moss-based soil mix that doesn’t contain perlite will work well. Coir (coconut fiber pulp now sold in reptile stores as compressed bricks) mixed 50 percent with soil is a good choice for growing live plants.

Crested geckos feel comfortable resting in foliage and like to climb on wood. Good landscape materials include cork bark sections for vertical and ground level shelters and climbing areas. Dried wood branches angled across the length of a vivarium provide resting and activity areas. Do not over clutter the tank. Leave plenty of open space. Live or artificial plants in combination with wood and bark will provide the security crested geckos need to rest in the open and add a decorative element to the display. Good plant selections include small Ficus benjamina, Dracaena spp. and Pothos.

Crested Geckos can eat a wider variety of food. Such as various insect, various fruits as well as commerically available powdered food such as Fluckers or Zoo-Med Crested Gecko Diet. As always variety is key to a happy healthy Gecko! If you choose to use powdered food, you must replace the food daily as it will dry out and spoil. Generally speaking Crested Gecko will eat in the trees so provided a ledge type feeder is recommended. In addition to misting a water bowl is recommended.

Newly purchased crested geckos should not be handled, but first allowed to settle in for three to four weeks to let them adjust to their new environment and to make sure they regularly feed. When you start handling your crested gecko, make handling sessions short, no more than five minutes. Crested Geckos and also drop their tail when theyre stressed or scared. Generally this is not a cause for concern. However, they will not regrow their tail.

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